Maggotdrowning on the Thames - July 2012
Summer holidays are here and with came the promise to take my nephews and son fishing again.
I chose somewhere different from the last trip out. The spot needed 2 things,
1, be flat and comfortable to minimse the kids falling!
2, have a decent depth close in to target smaller fish on the whip.
I arrived at my chosen area shortly after 11am to find most of the area taken. The guys to the left had rods out on buzzers, and the guy to the right was float fishing. I dropped in between them having more than enough water out in from of me.
Plumbing the depth I had about 7ft at my feet, and about 8ft further out.
I set up a 3 and 4mtr whip, the 4mtr fished with a 4no4 stick float set just off the bottom in 8ft of water, with the bulk shot a foot from the hook to get the bait down quickly.
The 3mtr whip was fished with the same float but this rig was set about 4foot deep and the shotting spread equally down the line to create a slower fall and to target fish up in the water.
A tin of hemp and 2 pints on maggots were all that was needed bait wise and off we went to catch some fish.
My nephew started to catch first, with bleak being the dominant speices he was catching with maggot up in the water

A pinch of maggots followed by the rig was all that was needed to be getting a bite every put in by him

Next up was my son, who isnt quite as keen as my nephew, but is still happy to have a go as long as hes catching, but gets bored exremely quick if hes not. (I remember being exactly the same when I was younger!!)

A rare moment when he was actually watching the float :)

I was fishing the 4mtr whip with a slightly different approach.
Feeding hemp slightly upstream and fishing maggot or caster (the maggots were quite old and turned quite quickly) a few inches off the bottom. I was also catching bleak, but also a couple of nice dace, and the fattest perch I have ever seen, he was as wide as he was long pretty much!!!

We fished for several hours catching fish on a fairly regular basis, before bites dried up. I had a pike rod set up with a bleak deadbait lobbed in the margins in the hope of a pike, but nothing came, much to callums disappointment!
We ended the day with a small bag of fish, caught mostly by callum and myself with jake and ray adding fish to the net through the day too.

And finally, photo of the day

Such a happy smile after an enjoyable afternoons fishing.
To end on a bad note the only other action I saw from either side of my was the guys up to my left who caught a pike. I took the boys up so they could see it, and to be honest, I wished I hadnt.
There were 3 guys fishing, each with 2 rods. One was carp/barbel fishing the other 2 were pike fishing.
They had a keepnet out, which I had seen them regularly pulling in and.throwing back out. I wasnt sure why from where I was fishing but when we wandered into thier swim I could see why!!
They had just landed a pike, which was laying in the net on the concrete floor (no unhooking mat), once unhooked, the guy then stood up and held the pike (about 5lb) about 4foot from the floor and at arms reach whilst his mate fannyed about trying to take pictures on his phone, the pike then flipped and this guy dropped the fish to the floor, crashing onto the concrete!!!
He then left it where it landed and walked off to his bivvy and produced a thick gardening glove for "a better grip". He then held the pike in the same way again and managed a couple of photos, before putting the fish into the keepnet. He then produced a slightly smaller fish from the net before throwing the keepnet out into the water, pike and all!!!
I saw him bring the net in several more times for random photos before throwing the net and fish back into the river.
Anyone who has the slightest knowledge of pike will know that they dont stand for this type of treatment, and chances are that once they were finally released they will probably have died shortly after.
I really should have said something, but with all the kids there and there being 3 of them, I didnt fancy confrontation with them.
Idiots like this are not needed in our sport, and give it a bad name.
I chose somewhere different from the last trip out. The spot needed 2 things,
1, be flat and comfortable to minimse the kids falling!
2, have a decent depth close in to target smaller fish on the whip.
I arrived at my chosen area shortly after 11am to find most of the area taken. The guys to the left had rods out on buzzers, and the guy to the right was float fishing. I dropped in between them having more than enough water out in from of me.
Plumbing the depth I had about 7ft at my feet, and about 8ft further out.
I set up a 3 and 4mtr whip, the 4mtr fished with a 4no4 stick float set just off the bottom in 8ft of water, with the bulk shot a foot from the hook to get the bait down quickly.
The 3mtr whip was fished with the same float but this rig was set about 4foot deep and the shotting spread equally down the line to create a slower fall and to target fish up in the water.
A tin of hemp and 2 pints on maggots were all that was needed bait wise and off we went to catch some fish.

My nephew started to catch first, with bleak being the dominant speices he was catching with maggot up in the water

A pinch of maggots followed by the rig was all that was needed to be getting a bite every put in by him

Next up was my son, who isnt quite as keen as my nephew, but is still happy to have a go as long as hes catching, but gets bored exremely quick if hes not. (I remember being exactly the same when I was younger!!)

A rare moment when he was actually watching the float :)

I was fishing the 4mtr whip with a slightly different approach.
Feeding hemp slightly upstream and fishing maggot or caster (the maggots were quite old and turned quite quickly) a few inches off the bottom. I was also catching bleak, but also a couple of nice dace, and the fattest perch I have ever seen, he was as wide as he was long pretty much!!!

We fished for several hours catching fish on a fairly regular basis, before bites dried up. I had a pike rod set up with a bleak deadbait lobbed in the margins in the hope of a pike, but nothing came, much to callums disappointment!
We ended the day with a small bag of fish, caught mostly by callum and myself with jake and ray adding fish to the net through the day too.

And finally, photo of the day

Such a happy smile after an enjoyable afternoons fishing.
To end on a bad note the only other action I saw from either side of my was the guys up to my left who caught a pike. I took the boys up so they could see it, and to be honest, I wished I hadnt.
There were 3 guys fishing, each with 2 rods. One was carp/barbel fishing the other 2 were pike fishing.
They had a keepnet out, which I had seen them regularly pulling in and.throwing back out. I wasnt sure why from where I was fishing but when we wandered into thier swim I could see why!!
They had just landed a pike, which was laying in the net on the concrete floor (no unhooking mat), once unhooked, the guy then stood up and held the pike (about 5lb) about 4foot from the floor and at arms reach whilst his mate fannyed about trying to take pictures on his phone, the pike then flipped and this guy dropped the fish to the floor, crashing onto the concrete!!!
He then left it where it landed and walked off to his bivvy and produced a thick gardening glove for "a better grip". He then held the pike in the same way again and managed a couple of photos, before putting the fish into the keepnet. He then produced a slightly smaller fish from the net before throwing the keepnet out into the water, pike and all!!!
I saw him bring the net in several more times for random photos before throwing the net and fish back into the river.
Anyone who has the slightest knowledge of pike will know that they dont stand for this type of treatment, and chances are that once they were finally released they will probably have died shortly after.
I really should have said something, but with all the kids there and there being 3 of them, I didnt fancy confrontation with them.
Idiots like this are not needed in our sport, and give it a bad name.
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